A few projects from back when I was GM (1999 - 2002) and Graphic Designer for the revived late 70s/early 80s dance label, West End Records. (West End was owned by the same man – Mel Cheren – who was the financial backer for the legendary nightclub, The Paradise Garage).
One of my first tasks was to create digital production files for their 12” vinyl single jacket, since the original jackets were created on film and no longer viable.The skyline was recreated in Illustrator and the jacket was produced, at the time, in Quark Xpress. The jacket, as pictured, was used for all 12" vinyl production. I also designed all vinyl labels, stickers, merchandise, and many CD packages, my favorite of which is here
I also recreated the West End Records logo in Illustrator and tracked down the original font. Used on all labels, stickers, banners, T-shirts. The spiral is from the back of the original 1980s West End T-shirt and printed exactly as the original, but with the addition of titles released since, so as to include the entire catalog.
Above is the packaging for a special double CD set, "Masters At Work presents West End Records: The 25th Anniversary Mastermix." The colors used in the package are based on the 12" jacket colors + the maroon/brown ink used on the original silver vinyl labels in the late 70s. (The new labels used black on silver.) The cover text and logo was in stamped silver foil. There was an also a 4x 12" vinyl version of the same package, but instead of mixed CDs, it was separate tracks, all re-edits of classic West End singles by Masters At Work.
Also here is the recreated the Paradise Garage logo in Illustrator in order to produce Paradise Garage banners for events, and merchandise, including a glow in the dark logo T-shirt. The banner was used for the first-ever Grace Jones performance (with band) at Central Park Summer Stage, June 29, 2003.